
Creata, Association Christian Artists Hungary

Our organization was founded in 1992 and it was named Hope Iseland. It''s name changed to Creata in 1999. It has 35 members: painters, sculptors, graphicians, art historians, musicians, actors and archaeologists. They belong to the greatest Hungarian churches, the Roman Catholic and the Calvinist Church. We regulary organize exhibitions for our members, opened by our art historians (so far 5 exhibitions in 2003). Last year two of our members (Rita Kesselyàk and Gèza Xantus) learned in Rome, Italy, with a scolarship, where they exhibited as well (Rome, Velletri, Sermoneta). In June 2003, our president Gèza Xantus will get an international reward Premio Internazionale Beato Angelico in Sermonetta, Italy. He, and Imola Gebauer (art historian) took in publication of the book The love of being by Sàndor Horràth (G.X. Illustration, I.G. commentary).

Adress:Hogyes Endre U. 1. 1V/1.
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