

CDF Indonesia started in year 2004, when ICDF and Lina Lasup were connecting to each other and she initiated networking relationships with churches in the Indonesia through dance ministries. Lina Lasup was born in 1971, and started her journey as a dancer in year 1991, after her born-again experience. With a burning passion to see Christ glorified in the world of arts and to see unity among His churches, she was then trusted with the responsibility of leadership as the National Coordinator of CDF Indonesia. In the recent years, God has opened doors of opportunities through events that were both national-scope and specifically aimed for the unity of The Body of Christ. Through CDF Indonesia, God has brought hundreds of Christian dancers in Indonesia to give back the glory to Him through their dances, raised new generations of dancers with this same passion, and started to take Indonesian Christian dancers abroad. CDF Indonesia is part of ICDF,

Adress:Jl. Gunung Sahari XI, Komplek Speed Plaza Blok B No. 9
10720 Jakarta
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